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Selected Articles and Book Chapters

  • Asumah, S. N. (2022). "China in Africa: Rethinking Development, the Role of the Nation State, and Neo-Benevolent Imperialism." In Who Owns Africa? Neocolonialism, Investment, and the New Scramble for Africa (Bekeh Ukelina (ed). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.

  • Asumah, S.N. (2017) Cover Foreword in Jacob U. Gordon (2017) Revisiting Kwame Nkrumah: Pathways for the Future, Africa World Press, Trenton, New Jersey

  • Asumah, S. N. , Nagel M, and Rosengarten, L. (2016). "New Trends in Diversity Leadership and Inclusive Excellence." In Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies, Vol 15.

  • Asumah, S. N (2015).  "Reframing Africana Studies: Old Challenges and New Visions."  In Asumah, S. N. and Marah, J.K. Africana Studies: Beyond Race, Class and Culture,  Dubuque, IA   Kendall Hunt.


  • Asumah, S. N. (2014). “African Relational Democracy: Reframing Diversity, Economic Development and Society-Centered Governance for the Twenty First Century.” In Sanya  Osha(Ed).  The Africia Social Contract,  Pretoria, The Africa Institute of Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.


  • Asumah S.N. and Nagel, M. (2014). "Diversity Studies and Managing Differences-Unpacking SUNY Cortland's Case and National Trends." In Gudrun Hentgas et al.  Sprache Macht Passismus (Speech Produces Racism) Metropo, Berlin, Germany.


  • Asumah, S.N. & Bradley, M.T. (2014). “Rethinking US Immigration Policy, Diversity and the Politics of Exclusion.” In Diversity, Social Justice and Inclusive Excellence: Transdisciplinary Perspectives (SUNY Press).


  • Asumah, S.N. (2014). “China in Africa: Dislocating Cultures, Reexamining the Role of the Nation State and the China Model in the Process of Development.” In Diversity, Social Justice and Inclusive Excellence: Transdisciplinary Perspectives (SUNY  Press).


  • Asumah, S. N. (2012). "African Cultures, Modernization and Development: Reexamining the Effects of Globalization." In Mbah, E., Salm, S. and Teboh, B. (Editors) 2011. Globalization and  the African Experience. Carolina Academic Press.


  • Asumah, S. N. (2011). Rethinking African Philosophy in the 21st Century, Guest Foreword (chapter) in Sonya Osha (2011) Postethnophilosophy. VIBS Social Philosophy Series, Amsterdam-New York.


  • Asumah, S. N. (2010). "Islam, Rentier States and the Quest for Democracy in Africa." The Western Journal of Black Studies, Volume 34, Number 4, Winter 2010.


  • Asumah, S. N. (2010). "African Traditional Cultures and the Quest for Modernization and Development in the Era of Globalization." The ICACD Journal. Cultural Perspective of Development for Africa. Volume 1, Number 1, December 2010.


  • Asumah, S.N. (2007).  "Development Crises, Predatory Regimes, and Prisons in Africa: An Impedance-Facilitation Perspective." In  Prisons and Punishment: Reconsidering Global Penality, Trenton, New Jersey. Africa World Press/Red Sea Press.


  • Asumah, S. N., and Nagel, M. (2007).  An Introduction to Prisons and Punishment. Prisons and Punishment: Reconsidering Global Penality, Trenton, New Jersey. Africa World Press/Red Sea Press.


  • Asumah, S.N. (2006) "Racial Identity and Policy Making: Redefining Whiteness." The Western Journal of Black Studies, Volume 28, Number 4, Winter 2004 (published 2006).


  • Asumah, S. N.  (Summer 2007) Racial Identity, Race Privilege and the Policy Process: Redefining Whiteness with Hurricane Katrina. The Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table.


  • Asumah, S. N. (2002). The Effects of Globalization on African Nation-States and Culture. The Africana Human Condition and Global Dimensions. Binghamton, Global Academic Publications.


  • Asumah, S.N., Johnston-Anumonwo, I. and Marah, J. (2002). Preface and Introduction. The Africana Human Condition and Global Dimension. Binghamton, Binghamton University Press.


  • Asumah, S. N. & Bradley, T. (Summer, 2001). "Making Sense of US Immigration Policy and Multiculturalism." The Western Journal of Black Studies. Vol. 25, No.2.


  • Asumah, S.N.  (Fall, 2001) "The Politics of Multicultural Education and Africentric Reformism in South Africa," The International Journal of African Studies. Vol. 3.1.


  • Asumah, S. N. & Perkins, V. C. (October, 2001). The Effects of Western Education on Blacks in South Africa and African Americans in the United States, Safundi: Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies, vol. 3, (4).


  • Asumah, S. N. & Perkins, V. C. (September, 2000). Black Conservatism and the Social Problems in Black America: Ideological Cul de Sac, Journal of Black Studies, vol. 31, (1).


  • Asumah, S. N. & Perkins, V. C. (December, 2000). Black Conservatism and the Social Problems in Black America: Ideological Cul de Sac. Abstracted in The International Political Science Abstract, Paris, France.


  • Asumah, S. N. (Spring, 1999). "The Nation-State and Public Policy in Africa: Reconsidering  the Effects of   Structural Variables and Systemic Dynamics," The Western Journal of Black Studies, vol. 22, (1).


  • Asumah, S. N. (Spring, 1996). "Race, Political Power, and Democracy in South Africa: A Neo-Structural Perspective," 21st Century Afro Review: The Journal for International Association of Africanist Scholars, vol. 3, (1).


  • Asumah, S. N. & Hlatshwayo, S. (Winter, 1995). "The Politics of Multicultural Education in    South Africa: Vogue, Oxymoron or Political Paralysis," The Western Journal of Black Studies, vol. 19, (4).


  • Asumah, S.N. (Winter, 1995).  "Ghana: Political Change, Development, and International  Institutions," 21st Century Afro Review: The Journal of International Africanist Scholars, Vol. 1, Number 2.


 Other Publications  


  • Asumah, S.N. (2005) Multiculturalism and the American National Ethos in Diverse Perspectives Vol. 1 Issue 1, SUNY Cortland.


  • Asumah, S. N. (Fall, 2002). Educating the Black Child in US Inner Cities. In Montz, B. &  Tobin, (Eds). Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences. Vol. 25.


  • Asumah, S.N. (1999). Strategic Tactical Action Plan (STAP). In Mary L. Kennedy and  Victoria    Boynton, Putting Student Writing First: Two Dozen Strategies for Using Writing    in Any Course.  Vaughn Copey.


  • Asumah, S. N.  (1996). Islamic Theosophy, Community-Building, and Ethnonationalism: Old Beliefs and New Political Challenges, in Rev. Dr. Earl W. Roberts (Ed.), Whose God Is It: Stories and Reflections on Religion and Race, Oneonta, NY: NAACP Publication.

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