Dr. Seth N. Asumah
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
Asumah, S. N. (2022). "China in Africa: Rethinking Development, the Role of the Nation State, and Neo-Benevolent Imperialism." In Who Owns Africa? Neocolonialism, Investment, and the New Scramble for Africa (Bekeh Ukelina (ed). Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
Asumah, S.N. (2017) Cover Foreword in Jacob U. Gordon (2017) Revisiting Kwame Nkrumah: Pathways for the Future, Africa World Press, Trenton, New Jersey
Asumah, S. N. , Nagel M, and Rosengarten, L. (2016). "New Trends in Diversity Leadership and Inclusive Excellence." In Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies, Vol 15.
Asumah, S. N (2015). "Reframing Africana Studies: Old Challenges and New Visions." In Asumah, S. N. and Marah, J.K. Africana Studies: Beyond Race, Class and Culture, Dubuque, IA Kendall Hunt.
Asumah, S. N. (2014). “African Relational Democracy: Reframing Diversity, Economic Development and Society-Centered Governance for the Twenty First Century.” In Sanya Osha(Ed). The Africia Social Contract, Pretoria, The Africa Institute of Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
Asumah S.N. and Nagel, M. (2014). "Diversity Studies and Managing Differences-Unpacking SUNY Cortland's Case and National Trends." In Gudrun Hentgas et al. Sprache Macht Passismus (Speech Produces Racism) Metropo, Berlin, Germany.
Asumah, S.N. & Bradley, M.T. (2014). “Rethinking US Immigration Policy, Diversity and the Politics of Exclusion.” In Diversity, Social Justice and Inclusive Excellence: Transdisciplinary Perspectives (SUNY Press).
Asumah, S.N. (2014). “China in Africa: Dislocating Cultures, Reexamining the Role of the Nation State and the China Model in the Process of Development.” In Diversity, Social Justice and Inclusive Excellence: Transdisciplinary Perspectives (SUNY Press).
Asumah, S. N. (2012). "African Cultures, Modernization and Development: Reexamining the Effects of Globalization." In Mbah, E., Salm, S. and Teboh, B. (Editors) 2011. Globalization and the African Experience. Carolina Academic Press.
Asumah, S. N. (2011). Rethinking African Philosophy in the 21st Century, Guest Foreword (chapter) in Sonya Osha (2011) Postethnophilosophy. VIBS Social Philosophy Series, Amsterdam-New York.
Asumah, S. N. (2010). "Islam, Rentier States and the Quest for Democracy in Africa." The Western Journal of Black Studies, Volume 34, Number 4, Winter 2010.
Asumah, S. N. (2010). "African Traditional Cultures and the Quest for Modernization and Development in the Era of Globalization." The ICACD Journal. Cultural Perspective of Development for Africa. Volume 1, Number 1, December 2010.
Asumah, S.N. (2007). "Development Crises, Predatory Regimes, and Prisons in Africa: An Impedance-Facilitation Perspective." In Prisons and Punishment: Reconsidering Global Penality, Trenton, New Jersey. Africa World Press/Red Sea Press.
Asumah, S. N., and Nagel, M. (2007). An Introduction to Prisons and Punishment. Prisons and Punishment: Reconsidering Global Penality, Trenton, New Jersey. Africa World Press/Red Sea Press.
Asumah, S.N. (2006) "Racial Identity and Policy Making: Redefining Whiteness." The Western Journal of Black Studies, Volume 28, Number 4, Winter 2004 (published 2006).
Asumah, S. N. (Summer 2007) Racial Identity, Race Privilege and the Policy Process: Redefining Whiteness with Hurricane Katrina. The Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table.
Asumah, S. N. (2002). The Effects of Globalization on African Nation-States and Culture. The Africana Human Condition and Global Dimensions. Binghamton, Global Academic Publications.
Asumah, S.N., Johnston-Anumonwo, I. and Marah, J. (2002). Preface and Introduction. The Africana Human Condition and Global Dimension. Binghamton, Binghamton University Press.
Asumah, S. N. & Bradley, T. (Summer, 2001). "Making Sense of US Immigration Policy and Multiculturalism." The Western Journal of Black Studies. Vol. 25, No.2.
Asumah, S.N. (Fall, 2001) "The Politics of Multicultural Education and Africentric Reformism in South Africa," The International Journal of African Studies. Vol. 3.1.
Asumah, S. N. & Perkins, V. C. (October, 2001). The Effects of Western Education on Blacks in South Africa and African Americans in the United States, Safundi: Journal of South African and American Comparative Studies, vol. 3, (4).
Asumah, S. N. & Perkins, V. C. (September, 2000). Black Conservatism and the Social Problems in Black America: Ideological Cul de Sac, Journal of Black Studies, vol. 31, (1).
Asumah, S. N. & Perkins, V. C. (December, 2000). Black Conservatism and the Social Problems in Black America: Ideological Cul de Sac. Abstracted in The International Political Science Abstract, Paris, France.
Asumah, S. N. (Spring, 1999). "The Nation-State and Public Policy in Africa: Reconsidering the Effects of Structural Variables and Systemic Dynamics," The Western Journal of Black Studies, vol. 22, (1).
Asumah, S. N. (Spring, 1996). "Race, Political Power, and Democracy in South Africa: A Neo-Structural Perspective," 21st Century Afro Review: The Journal for International Association of Africanist Scholars, vol. 3, (1).
Asumah, S. N. & Hlatshwayo, S. (Winter, 1995). "The Politics of Multicultural Education in South Africa: Vogue, Oxymoron or Political Paralysis," The Western Journal of Black Studies, vol. 19, (4).
Asumah, S.N. (Winter, 1995). "Ghana: Political Change, Development, and International Institutions," 21st Century Afro Review: The Journal of International Africanist Scholars, Vol. 1, Number 2.
Other Publications
Asumah, S.N. (2005) Multiculturalism and the American National Ethos in Diverse Perspectives Vol. 1 Issue 1, SUNY Cortland.
Asumah, S. N. (Fall, 2002). Educating the Black Child in US Inner Cities. In Montz, B. & Tobin, (Eds). Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences. Vol. 25.
Asumah, S.N. (1999). Strategic Tactical Action Plan (STAP). In Mary L. Kennedy and Victoria Boynton, Putting Student Writing First: Two Dozen Strategies for Using Writing in Any Course. Vaughn Copey.
Asumah, S. N. (1996). Islamic Theosophy, Community-Building, and Ethnonationalism: Old Beliefs and New Political Challenges, in Rev. Dr. Earl W. Roberts (Ed.), Whose God Is It: Stories and Reflections on Religion and Race, Oneonta, NY: NAACP Publication.